The Jeweler's View
A podcast not only for Jewelry Makers, but all Creative Movers and Shakers, connecting entrepreneurs and aspiring creatives in with the resources, knowledge, and mindset support they need to achieve goals they once thought impossible.
The Jeweler's View
Episode 9: "Consistency: Stop the Hustle"
In Episode 9 of The Jeweler's View, we challenge the popular hustle mentality and explore why consistency is the true key to reaching your goals without burning out. Dive into this episode as we flip the script and provide you with a game plan to shift from hustle mode to sustainable, intentional action. Learn how to embrace a better way to grow this year, avoiding the pitfalls of hustle culture. Discover personal anecdotes, actionable tips, and the power of taking small, consistent steps towards your goals. We'll cover the importance of showing up regularly, celebrating progress, and staying accountable. Plus, get ready for next week's insightful episode on overcoming decision paralysis. Join us for this transformative journey towards clarity, ease, and sustainable growth. Let's dive into the new year with purpose and avoid the burnout!
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– Courtney
Helping Jewelry Creatives access the knowledge, resources, and mindset they
need to achieve goals they once thought impossible.
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Music Credit: Lyrics: by Courtney Gray
Episode 9: "Consistency: Stop the Hustle"
[00:00:00] Hey friends, welcome back to the Jeweler's View. It's the start of a new year, and I know how tempting it can be to dive in to a million goals headfirst. But today, let's flip the script. Let's talk about why hustle isn't the answer, and how we can replace it with the idea of consistency. This can help you reach your goals without burnout, overwhelm, and all of those other things that come from it.
This hustle mentality or hustle culture. By the end of this episode, I want you to have a game plan to shift from hustle mode to sustainable, intentional action. Let's embrace a better way to grow this year. This is one of the things that most of my clients mention I'm most helpful with is consistency.
Just showing up again and again. Not worrying or over pushing or putting too many [00:01:00] tasks on your agenda each day But instead approaching it with this consistent action Just show up and the rest will start to flow and you'll get to those other things But don't put them all on your plate at once.
I think I've learned from a lot of personal experience that is a recipe for burnout, overworking, loss of time, important time with family, and the list goes on. So how do we embrace, this is a big one, consistency. Much like last week, it's relative, I think, to creating and understanding the seasons of our creativity.
So how do we find consistency and stop the hustle? I used to say it all the time, and I still catch myself saying this phrase, Dive in and swim hard. And I was proud of that. I used it like a badge of honor, dive in and swim hard. Don't even think just go. And there is sometimes we're going to get into this next week about decision paralysis, where we do need to make a decision.
We [00:02:00] do need to move forward, but I'll tell you working 10, 12 hours a day, saying yes to everything and feeling like. You're always having to do more, guess what, the hustle will leave you exhausted, uninspired, in my case, extremely ill. I would also find myself overwhelming my team with too many tasks in one meeting.
Which, as you can only imagine, led to their overwhelm as well. , guess what? It's contagious. Be careful. the turning point for me, was I finally realized I wasn't doing my best work. I was doing too many things, , the hard part with doing too many things is that something's gonna drop off.
Something's not gonna get done right, or it's gonna get left behind completely because something else will come along and take over that thing and become much more important because it's in the present moment. Catch these cycles, right? Just like our creative seasons. [00:03:00] We've got to watch this hustle mentality.
I don't think it really works too well. I'm finding , the older that I get, that less is more, when I move slowly and intentionally, I'm actually accomplishing more in some sense. It's hard to explain until you're in sight of this, but when you do less, you do it well. You finish it. You follow through each item so that nothing's getting dropped.
Things are really robust when they're in their finished state. So I want you to sit with that and just get curious. How are you working? I have to catch myself with this one daily. The hustle go is somewhat ingrained in my DNA from being a serial entrepreneur and starting multiple schools, having a custom business, doing casting for other people.
The list goes on. I think I had 10 businesses under one umbrella at one point. There was no downtime, not for me and not for my team. So instead of that, [00:04:00] now I'm trying to be more intentional and consistent and focus on one thing at a time. Okay. when I realized that I wasn't doing my best work.
I was just doing too much work, when I shifted to intentional, focused effort, everything changed. And I'm learning, less is definitely more. So why is this hustle mentality not sustainable? The cost of the hustle approach or hustle culture, which is really prominent here in the United States, is it leads to burnout and decreased creativity.
It creates a cycle of exhaustion and frustration, and it prevents you from focusing on the work that really matters. How do we reframe the narrative? Here's the secret. Hustle does not build lasting success. Consistency does. I'll repeat it. Hustle doesn't build lasting success. Consistency does. [00:05:00] The power of consistency and why it works is it builds momentum and progress over time.
Aristotle. We are what we repeatedly do Excellence then is not an act, but a habit showing up consistently.
So important. So how about some tips for building consistency? Let's dig into this and start small because as we're learning, starting small is how you start.
Let's pick one habit or goal to focus on at a time. Trying to do everything at once is just another form of hustle. And multitasking is not a real thing that works. There's a lot of science behind that, but I digress. I've been doing this, and I'll tell you, personally, I started by reading a book called Atomic Habits.
I don't know if you have this, and I do want to do a whole episode on habits, so I'm not going to get into it too deep here. But if you haven't read it, you might want to pick up a copy. I think they even suggest it for high school students [00:06:00] now, which I love. My son came home and said, Mom, do you have a copy of Atomic Habits?
I said, sure enough, I do. I started reading this book by integrating habits right away. So I would wake up and this would be my morning routine, I would read one chapter, only one chapter, and then I would put it away. And I finished the book in no time. It was unbelievable. I never finished books.
I'm always half in and half out and back to this one and back to that one and too many books on the table, but I just committed. I said, okay, I'm just going to try this habit forming by reading atomic habits. One chapter at a time, really was a really helpful exercise. I'm reading every day now, and I don't pick up another book until I finish it.
So I can't stress enough that consistent action is what builds habits. It's not hustle push go. I used to think that if I pushed really hard at things or hustled that things would happen for me and happen quicker. [00:07:00] But I'm learning now that it's the opposite, that actually when I take a step back and don't push so hard, good way to explain this, you're pushing too hard at something or hustling at it.
You can sometimes push it away or you can pull the wrong thing towards you because you're moving so quickly that your intuition is off. So stick with slow and steady. And I'm telling you, this is a daily one. It's a daily one, but just start small, so picking that one habit or goal to focus on at a time and getting away from this multitasking because it doesn't work, will definitely decrease that hustle mentality.
But again, daily check ins with yourself. Schedule your priorities. Set aside specific blocks of time for your most important work. And they say that's 20 percent of the work is the most important work, so zoom in on what that looks like. And then stick to those blocks of time. [00:08:00] Consistency is about showing up regularly, not perfectly.
Another one worth repeating, right? Consistency is about showing up regularly, not perfectly. I always say in every episode, celebrate your progress. Every step counts, no matter how small, especially if it's just showing up the next day at the same time to do the thing again, right? Keep track of your wins and remind yourself how far you have freaking come.
The fourth thing I like to mention is accountability. So if you don't have like a work buddy or a mentor or a coach to help you stay on track, accountability can make all the difference. Someone to check in with a workout buddy, right? Okay, we're going to the gym at this time. We're going to the studio at this time.
Who could maybe help you stay on track and in return you do the same for them? Or you provide a different support system that maybe you shine at. I [00:09:00] want to give you some actionable steps for this week.
Let's write down your top one to two priorities for this month. Just one or two, and let's commit to spending 30 minutes a day on them, no more and no less. There's the trick, right? And let's celebrate one small win every day. So at the end of the day, if it's I added three emails to my email list, or I posted twice on social media, or whatever that might look like for your business, or I sat at the bench for an hour today.
Whatever that looks like, I want you to celebrate those. Congratulate yourselves. High five yourself. Pat yourself on the back. Tell your accountability buddy. Text your coach. Whatever. Let's keep moving. Consistent action will bring Way more success than this hustle mentality. It doesn't work. It's not sustainable.
I don't want you to get sick. I don't want you to overwork yourself and [00:10:00] I really want you to stay impassioned with what you're doing. And that's the key. Consistency will bring that hustling will burn you out quickly.
Okay. So in conclusion, let's go over what we talked about. Consistency is the antidote to burnout. Start small, show up regularly, and celebrate your progress. You have got this. You are so much more than what you accomplish in one day. I'm proud of you for choosing intentional action over endless hustle.
Keep going. Your creativity deserves it. If you are ready to create a plan that works for you, I would love to be your guide. My one on one coaching sessions are all about clarity, actionable strategies tailored to your goals, and you can head to my website to learn more. Next week we'll be here again exploring how to stop decision paralysis and start moving forward with confidence.
[00:11:00] Don't miss this one, you guys. It's really interesting how many decisions we have to make each day and how holding back on making a choice can really hinder your progress. Until then, onward and upward. Consistency, no more hustle. Let's dive into this new year together with clarity and ease and tons of growth until then onward and upward.
See you next week.
[00:12:00] [00:13:00]